This video is on the Rise and Fall of the Natural Ice Trade and is presented by Kevin Bair – and Wakulla County Historical Society. Learn how the natural ice trade started, how the Civil War changed the face of the natural ice trade, and how...
This video describes Kev’s upcoming talk on the rise and fall of the natural ice trade on Nov. 14, 2023, at the Wakulla County Library. The presentation will discuss Frederick Tudor and his natural ice shipping empire, Dr. John Gorrie, the Civil War blockade,...
Greeting, Sorry that I have not posted much, as I am busy writing my dissertation, but I did take time in April to be interviewed. On April 12, 2023, I had the opportunity to participate in an interview for the local PBS station program called Local Routes. The...
Greetings, For this week’s assignment in HIST 701, I am using the Oxford Historical Scholarship website to searched another area I have an interest in, lynching of Veterans and Lynchings in Northern Florida. My search queries returned three books. I was surprised at...
Greetings to all, This dissertation started when I read a report by Dr. Phelps, United States Volunteers, on the medical care at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 6-7, 1862. “The sufferer [wounded] had not the alternative of choosing between transportation...