Greeting, Sorry that I have not posted much, as I am busy writing my dissertation, but I did take time in April to be interviewed. On April 12, 2023, I had the opportunity to participate in an interview for the local PBS station program called Local Routes. The...
Blog Articles
History With Kev Presents: Plagues And Diseases at Tallahassee History Festival, March 26, 2022.
Greeting to all, and thanks for visiting, In this post and video, I discuss some of the major topics I talked about at my booth, Plagues, And Diseases, during the First Annual Tallahassee History Festival on March 26, 2022, which was held at the Kleman Plaza in...
Liberty and Freedom
This week we look at two concepts which many of us here in America take from granted, Freedom and Liberty. But what is freedom and liberty and how and where did these ideas developed? This program will look at three of the great and original thinkers, Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero, the shapers, and molders of these ideas.
Why Is The Concept Of Western Civilization Relevant For Today?
Greetings and welcome to this week’s discussion question, Why the concept of Western Civilization is relevant for today? Currently in the world of co-vid-19, we struggle to understand what is the new normal for our daily living. We...
Prohibition – Possible Causation Of The Great Depression?
In seeking possible causations of the Great Depression, is it possible one of them was the enactment of the 18th Amendment, i.e.., Prohibition? This law went into effect on January 17, 1920. Data in this study will demonstrate how fiscal changes, such as Prohibition, made negative monetary adjustments to the Federal Government Tax reserves.
Dr. John Gorrie: The birth of Refrigeration and Frederic Tudor: Natural Ice Trade
Greetings to all, This blog is based on my research paper and the following data is based on some of my early finding. I initially set out to write on Dr. John Gorrie (1803 – June 29, 1855) (Figure 1.) of Apalachicola Florida, who was the first, to create artificial...