kevin [@]

This post’s information is a result of a Blackboard discussion post which I presented in a PowerPoint converted to video for the class HIUS 530 AMERICAN CHRISTIAN HERITAGE at Liberty.
The assignment was to pick a subject and discuss the critically important Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy. I choose to discuss the 1925 Scopes trial. The controversy of the day was the literal word of the Bible against the opposing words of science over evolution.
The introduction trial themed song Monkey-Bizness, is rather silly, it demonstrates how many in mainstream America poked fun at the seriousness of the trial and the significant debate between old and new dogmas.

The debate in this 94-year-old trial did not bubbled up overnight. The foundation of this debate started 66 years earlier with release of Charles Darwin’s 1859 book, Origin of Species. Darwin claims humans evolved from lower species of life forms. This proclamation shook the Christian world and challenged the biblical creation story in the book of Genesis.

The trial was over whether John Thomas Scopes taught Darwinism in a State that prohibited the teaching of evolution.


Baker, Grover. “Monkey Biz-ness (Down in Tennessee).” Music Reference Services Quarterly, 10:2,, 2008: 13-32, DOI: 10.1300/J116v10n02_02. 2019. (accessed 04 24, 2019).
K, David. William Jennings Bryan and the Scopes Monkey Trial. The Presbyterian Historical Society . 07 12, 2015. (accessed 04 24, 2019).
Larson, Edward J. Summer of the Gods. New York: Basic Books, 2006.
Murray, Billy, International Novelty Orchestra. Monkey Biz-ness (Down in Tennessee). Comp. Perry Alexander. 1925.
Robinson, Jeff. Evolution incompatible with Christianity, Mohler says in TIME. Baptist Press (BP). 08 10, 2015. (accessed 04 24, 2019).
Smith, Michael. “Christian Fundamentalism: Militancy and the Scopes Trial.” All Theses. Paper 962, 2010: .
Wikipedia. Creation–evolution controversy. 04 12, 2019. (accessed 04 24, 2019).
Williams, Lori Hale. getthebubble. 03 17, 2006. https://www./photos/getthebubbles/114901429 (accessed 04 24, 2019).


Baker, Grover. “Monkey Biz-ness (Down in Tennessee).” Music Reference Services Quarterly, 10:2,, (2008) : p. 16.
Wikipedia. “Creation–evolution controversy”. 2019
Robinsoh, Jeff. Evolution incompatible with Christianity, Mohler says in TIME. Baptist Press (BP). 2015
K, David. William Jennings Bryan and the Scopes Monkey Trial. The Presbyterian Historical Society. (2015).
Clocks In The City. Sun-Moon-Wind-Sky-Stars-Celestial-Planet-Night-Sky-World-Wall-Clock.
Williams, Lori Hale. Getthebubble. (2006).