This is my first attempt to make a graduate level lecture.
Lecture 1 of 8 on Pre-Civil War: Religious thought on Death and Burial, Training of Doctors and Early Medicine.
Two-thirds of the Civil War’s 600,000 plus deaths were from disease. I believe it is important to understand how disease-caused deaths helped to reshape Antebellum Christian thought on death and burial. Also, this first video discusses pre-war medical training of doctors and some early medicines.
I hope you enjoyed this lecture and found the video informative. Post a comment if you have positive or helpful suggestions. Let me know if you would watch the rest of the lecture series.
Cover photo collage credits:
Victorian Mourning & Funerary Practices
Devine, Shauna. Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2014.
Faust, Drew Glipin. This Republic of Suffering . New York: Vintage Books Div. Random House, 2008.
Marshall, N. ” The Great Exaggeration: Death and the Civil War. .” The Journal of the Civil War Era 4(1), 2014: 3-27. doi:10.1353/cwe.2014.0010.
Opening scene:
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